Motivation for recommender systems for science include (1) keeping watch and recommending potentially interesting papers (based on topic), and (2) having found a paper, checking whether it is worth reading. An online 'journal club' of expert discussions would be one solution.
Current systems include search engines for academic search (Google scholar, CiteSeer), bibliography management and sharing (BibSonomy, citeulike, Mendeley, Connotea, RefWorks, zotero), and archives (arXiv.org, PubMed). Other systems include whattosee, journalreview.org, getcited, techlens, pubzone, wepapers, and action science explorer.

As an experimental efforts, Hoyer presented his project grocko.org. The system provides
- automated topic analysis of abstracts,
- personalized recommendations of newly appeared articles,
- trivial set-up, and
- anonymous discussions and ratings of existing paper
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