The first keynote speaker was Sara L. Rynes, Professor at University of Iowa, who discussed the theme how to make research relevant to practice. She is the editor of Academy of Management Journal. She emphasized the values of pluralism in research and welcomed respect for co-produced research, based on an inductive and social constructive approach. This means that researchers should work in collaboration with practitioners gathering qualitative data in real-world cases. She used her own experience from the 1990s as an example.

Sara Rynes also emphasized the idea that usefulness to practitioners alone is a deficient vision for organization studies. She mentioned the book Freakonomics in which N.N. brings up important findings that may be “inconvenient truths” for many. I also very much agreed with the conclusion that for longer term and for the society as a whole, researchers need to be certain kind of watchdogs. Researchers should be allowed to have the role that is commonly attributed to free press. If this role is not fully appreciated the society does not function as well as it could.
It may, of course, be convenient for the leaders to think that the researchers can support directly their aspirations and policies. This is, however, bound to lead both to bad science as well as into a declining nation. If a decision makers fail to listen to the inconvenient questions that researchers may ask they finally are going to make much less optimal decisions than through taking into account even the critical voices. This does not, of course, mean that the scientists should be made the primary decision makers.
Towards the end of the presentation, Sara Rynes mentioned that researchers within organizational studies ought to be think more about data mining. This was nice to hear for us three, Sari Stenfors, Tanja Kotro and Timo Honkela who participated the workshop as Kulta project researchers. The project develops methods for modeling and simulating changing customer needs. In addition to practice theory and qualitative research, data mining and other adaptive informatics methods are in a central role in the project.
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